University of the Arts Kentucky College of Cosmetology


University of the Arts Kentucky College of Cosmetology – University of the Arts Kentucky College of Cosmetology Westend Academy, Eastside College, Kentucky Campus Beauty Academy Herein referred to as the Academy 


Students must make every effort to attend classes daily as each day missed must be replaced either on a Saturday. If a student is enrolled in the part time program then make-up time must be scheduled with the manager and is usually done Monday through Friday, during the day. There will be a pro- rated charge for tuition for days that must be made up after the scheduled completion date. Attendance records are kept daily. Replacement time will be conducted on the normal timetable of the department concerned. It is mandatory that a student notify the Academy prior to 9:00 a. m. or 5:00p.m. (Whichever is applicable to your program) if they are going to be late or absent. It is the responsibility of the student who was absent to find out what they missed, and to obtain any theory handouts from their study partner. 


Regular school hours are from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. And Saturdays, as scheduled, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Theory and demos may be delivered via remote video conference sessions. Your punctuality will be recorded daily with the use of the hand reader. It is fully the responsibility of the student to ensure they ‘sign in’ and ‘sign out’ each day using the Electronic biometric hand reader so that their attendance hours can be calculated. If a student knows they will be late for class, they are expected to call the Academy. Because it is disruptive, any student arriving over 15 minutes late for theory class will have to set up and start their practical session on their own, forfeiting their theory class. Failure to attend a minimum number of theory hours may require a student to attend that portion of their program over and they may not attempt the testing for that portion of their program. Repeated offenses of missing theory time may also be grounds for dismissal. 


Should a student miss a test, then they will be rescheduled and must accept the 1st day offered by the instructor, in which to complete the test. Unless a doctor’s note is provided the test will be with a 5% deduction. If the student misses the 2nd scheduled test then a mark of 0 will be provided for that test. 

Should a student not obtain a 70% passing grade on a written or practical or final exam the student will have the opportunity to a second attempt within 15 days from the of the first failed final exam, at the discretion of the Academy Director. The date may be altered to be more than 15 days. Should a student fail on the second attempt there will be no further attempts to rewrite a third time. NO CREDENTIALS will be issued to the student except their marks/transcript. The Academy is under no obligation to give further attempts to students who have no obtained a 70% passing grade. 

(Hair) each chapter is considered as one credit student must complete and pass 12 credits with a minimum of 70% In the event of a student failing an exam/credit the student will be able to rewrite a new exam maximum points (percentage) will be given 70% passing grade. In the event the student fails the second attempt to pass with a 70% there will be no further attempts to rewrite. In the case the mark received on the second attempt will be the mark credited to the student and show on the transcript. 

(Spa and Medical Esthetician) each chapter is considered as one credit student must complete and pass 19 credits with a minimum of 70% In the event of a student failing an exam/credit the student will be able to rewrite a new exam maximum points (percentage) will be given 70% passing grade. In the event the student fails the second attempt to pass with a 70% there will be no further attempts to rewrite. In the case the mark received on the second attempt will be the mark credited to the student and show on the transcript. 

(HAIR) Midterm practical exam, the student must accumulate the minimum number of 700 hours to be eligible to take part in the exam. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 

(MEDICAL ESTHETICS) Midterm practical exam, the student must accumulate the minimum number of 500 hours to be eligible to take part in the exam. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 

(HAIR) Final practical exam, the student must accumulate the minimum number of 1425 hours to be eligible to take part in the exam. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 

(MEDICAL ESTHETICS) Midterm practical exam, the student must accumulate the minimum number of 1000 hours to be eligible to take part in the exam. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 


A minimum of 70% must be obtained in ALL AREAS of study to be considered a passing grade. An average mark of 90% and over, plus meeting the required ‘guidelines’ will be considered an Honors achievement. Students are also marked on Professionalism (being on time, adhering to dress code, work ethics) and this mark is part of the total final mark. For further information, please see ‘Marking Guidelines’ which is attached. (Hair) each chapter is considered as one credit student must complete and pass 12 credits with a minimum of 70% (Medical Esthetician) each chapter is considered as one credit student must complete and pass 19 credits with a minimum of 70% 

Dress Code Hairstyling

HAIRSTYLING MANDATORY NO EXCEPTIONS The student agrees to comply with the Academy dress code. Any student who arrives at the Academy not in compliance with the dress code will be asked to sign out go home and change immediately. The dress code requires students to wear black shoes (no running shoes, flip flops or open-toed shoes) Black pants or skirt (appropriate business length) No stripes or designs are accepted. Accessories such as belts and jewelry, are the students option. Hats are no allowed. Leggings/gym attire are not allowed. Hairstyling lab coats, aprons or Academy tee-shirts must be worn at all times during school hours. Shorts or any denim jeans whether blue or black are no allowed. 

Dress Code Esthetician 

MEDICAL ESTHETICS/MEDICAL SPA SPECIALTY MANDATORY NO EXCEPTIONS The student agrees to comply with the Academy dress code. Black scrubs are required. Any student who arrives at the Academy not in compliance with the dress code will be asked to sign out go home and change immediately. Must wear black shoes, no flip flops or opened toed shoes. Students wearing head covers for religious reasons, they must be solid black or solid white.

Note the importance of proper dress code and note that students will be sent home to change and lose the hours. 

School Policy 

Students must show respect to fellow students, teachers and school property at all times. Professional ethics are expected from everyone. Books must be brought to theory classes and practical equipment must be available for all practical sessions. If you do not come prepared with your proper equipment, you will be asked to go home and get it and will lose credit for the hours. Friends and visitors can only visit students during break or lunch periods. For hygienic reasons no food, coffee or beverage are allowed on the clinic floor or hairstyling floor or in the classrooms. Water is acceptable. 

Items from Home 

You will need to bring the following from home: binder, paper, pencils, pens, ruler, highlighter and a small lock for your lockers. 

Student Discounts 

All retail items are discounted for students. Please check with Reception to obtain your cost. 

Professional Duties 

Students agree and acknowledge that it is a student’s responsibility to maintain a clean school environment and to share the daily, teacher assigned duty in regards to cleaning. Following practical sessions, students are required to clean the counter and floor area and at the end of the day all areas must be in a clean, neat and organized manner. All students are expected to take part of this cleaning and organization. Hygiene and sanitization/sterilization is also of utmost importance in Hairstyling and Esthetics. Students are marked not only on their personal hygiene, but on their sanitization/sterilization of implements. Failure to do these duties will result in an infraction. These duties are considered a learning process which involves working as a team and this professional duty along with professional image is considered mandatory and is part of one’s final mark. 

Telephone Calls 

Personal calls are not permitted. The Academy number is only to be given out and used in an emergency situation Cell phones are to be kept on silence or vibe when in the school. If you need to make a call please go outside the clinic area 


Students are provided with lockers, when available, for their equipment and personal items (Small locks only) to be approved by instructor prior to being assigned, Keep your locker locked at all times as you are responsible for your items and the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lockers are assigned when available, first come bases It must be noted that once a student, discontinues, is expelled, or graduated, they will have 7 days to remove any and all personal items and kit items from the school and their locker. The school is not responsible for any of these items and any of these items left over 7 days will be disposed. 

Lunch and Breaks 

Students will have a 30 minute lunch if attending the Academy for the full day and 1 – 15 minute break in the AM and in the PM sessions when in the Academy. The specific time will be scheduled by your instructor and must be taken at that time. You are not allowed to “wait” for a friend from another class or from your own class who may be taking their lunch/break at a time different than your own. 

Grounds for Dismissal 

Theft: Any theft, regardless of value is grounds for immediate dismissal. 

Conduct/Behavior: Incidents of poor conduct, improper behavior or lack of respect (including loud arguments and shouting) will result in the student being asked to leave for the day, and the day’s hours will not be counted or may be grounds for immediate dismissal. 

Alcohol/Recreational Drugs: These are forbidden on school property and are grounds for immediate dismissal. 

Non-Attendance: If a student does not attend classes for a minimum of 20 hours of instruction per week for four weeks, he or she will be dismissed. 

Failure to Maintain a Passing Grade: If a student fails to maintain a passing grade, they may be dismissed. 


Students wishing to smoke must do so outside. Smoking is not permitted in the mall or washrooms. 

Refund Policy 

The refund policy is according to the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, under the private career college act 2005. The student acknowledge the books and kits are being supplied to the student on the first day of class. All terms and conditions relating to the book and kit are listed in the refund policy under the private career college act. 

Course policy subject to change without notice! 

We hope that all will enjoy their time at the Academy. We have every intention of creating well-rounded and salon-ready hairstylists, estheticians, cosmetologists and nail technicians. Our goal is the same as yours and together we will reach that goal.

Ready to start your dream career?